August 17, 2008

What's For Dinner?

"What's for Dinner", my husband asked? "Fish", I answered. "Oh" he said. "Not just any fish though".... "Stephanie's recipe, over at A Year Of Crockpotting for Foil Packet Tilapia Crock Pot Style ". "Oh" he said.

Anyway.... he was much more enthusiastic once he tasted it. We aren't big fish people but he REALLY liked this one. It was very mild, flavorful and flaky....and most all super easy to prepare. I took your advice Stephanie and tried it with Parmesan. Good call. You picked another winner Stephanie!!

Sorry I didn't take a picture. I forgot to turn the camera off after Furniture Redux and the batteries were drained:(

1 comment:

Stephanie ODea said...

I'm so glad that you liked it! yay!